WorldWide Student Inquiry Labs
This webpage accompanies the WorldWide Telescope (WWT) labs on Phases, the Electromagnetic Spectrum, and Retrograde Motion developed by Dr. Aaron Lee. Much (most) of the work on the phases and retrograde labs comes from student research Justin Jerome.
The authors at Saint Mary’s College of California have developed a computational lab that focuses on the concepts of phases (of the Moon and the planets), exploring the Milky Way across the electromagnetic spectrum, and understanding retrograde motion in our Solar System. These labs, designed for non-science undergraduates in an introductory astronomy class, allow students to explore ideas commonly taught in these courses at their own pace. Students will use real astronomical data and images as well as real-time modeling to explore these topics through inquiry-based activities. These activities support students in reaching their own conclusions and devising their own models. The labs are typically able to be completed in 2-2.5 hours.
Copies of the labs in PDF form are in this general Google Drive: [ CLICK HERE ]
The slide deck from the January 2023 AAPT Conference is in that folder as well, as well as [ HERE ].
Needed Materials & Technologies
A working internet connection for running WWT ( is needed. Running on Google Chrome or Firefox is preferred, but any up-to-date browser should work. Safari and tablets can be used, but the success rate is less than Chrome and Firefox. These labs were designed to run entirely on the web browser version of the software. Each lab comes with a manual and a lab workbook, which can be obtained through a shared Google Drive folder above.
What is worldwide telescope?
WorldWide Telescope (WWT) is a free computer program that enables students to explore the universe in incredible detail. WWT compiles the best imagery from telescopes all over the world into rich 2-D and 3-D maps of the sky, across the whole electromagnetic spectrum. Real-time modeling of the Solar System allows users to investigate the archaeology of the Solar System at the click of a button.
Phases Lab
Learning goals
Linked from OpenStax Astronomy, by Fraknoi et al.
A successful student will leave this lab:
Capable of describing what causes the phases of the Moon and Venus.
Capable of determining the current phase of the Moon or Venus, as viewed from Earth, based on a drawing of their relative positions.
Capable of explaining why we cannot see a full set of phases for all of the planets in the Solar System.
This lab also makes use of the following figure, taken from OpenStaX.
Electromagnetic Spectrum Lab
Learning goals
A successful student will leave this lab:
Capable of describing how different kinds of radiation can be used to visualize different physical phenomena.
Capable of identifying the general structure of our Milky Way Galaxy across the electromagnetic spectrum.
Capable of making predictions about the type of events that students observe based on the kind of radiation band they are using.
The center of the Milky Way, as viewed from the Solar System, viewed across the electromagnetic spectrum. Linked from NASA Digital Commons.
Retrograde Motion Lab
Learning goals
A successful student will leave this lab:
Capable of describing and defining retrograde motion.
Capable of comparing the causes of retrograde motion between bodies in our Solar System.
Capable of determining which bodies do or do not display retrograde motion within our Solar System.
Capable of calculating the frequency and duration of a body’s retrograde motion.
The location of Mars as it moves in both prograde and retrograde motion across the sky.