Astronomer and Educator



Peer-Reviewed Publications

Pre-prints may have incomplete information.

  • Stacey, A., McKee, C.F., Lee, A.T. 2022. Magnetic fields in the formation of the first stars - II. Results. MNRAS [ ADS ]

  • Smullen, R.A., Kratter, K.M., Offner, S.S.R., Lee, A.T., Chen, H.H. 2020. The highly variable time evolution of star-forming cores identified with dendrograms. MNRAS. [ ADS ]

  • Lee, A.T., Offner, S.S.R., Kratter, K., Smullen, R., Li, PS. 2019. The Formation and Evolution of Stellar Multiples in Magnetized Clouds. ApJ, 887, 232. [ ADS ]

  • Burleigh, K., McKee, C.F., Cunningham, A., Lee, A.T., Klein, R.I. 2017. Turbulent Magnetized Accretion. MNRAS, 468, 717 [ ADS ]

  • Rosen, A.L., Krumholz, M.R., Oishi, J.S., Lee, A.T., Klein, R.I. 2017. Hybrid Adaptive Ray-Moment Method (HARM^2): A Highly Parallel Method for Radiation Hydrodynamics on Adaptive Grids. Journal of Computational Physics, 330, 924. [ ADS ]

  • Stacy, A., Bromm, V., Lee, A.T. 2016. Building up the Population III initial mass function from cosmological initial conditions. MNRAS, 462, 1307. [ ADS ]

  • Lee, A. T., Cunningham, A., McKee, C., Klein, R. 2014. Bondi-Hoyle Accretion in a Magnetized Plasma. ApJ, 783, 50. [ ADS ] 

  • Lee, A. T., Stahler, S. 2014. Dynamical Friction in a Gas: The Supersonic Case. A&A, 561, 84. [ ADS ] 

  • Lee, A. T., Stahler, S. 2011. Dynamical Friction in a Gas: The Subsonic Case. MNRAS, 416, 3177. [ ADS ] 

  • Lee, A. T., Chiang, E., Asay-Davis, X., Barranco, J. 2010. Forming Planetesimals by Gravitational Instability. II. How Dust Settles to its Marginally Stable State. ApJ, 725, 1938. [ ADS ]

  • Lee, A. T., Chiang, E., Asay-Davis, X., Barranco, J. 2010. Forming Planetesimals by Gravitational Instability. I. The Role of the Richardson Number in Triggering the Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability. ApJ, 718, 1367. [ ADS ] 

  • Lee, A. T., Thommes, E. W., Rasio, F. E. 2009. Resonance Trapping in Protoplanetary Disks. I. Coplanar Systems. ApJ, 691, 1684. [ ADS ]

Other Publications

  • Cosmic Conics. Article for high school math magazine relating conic sections to the orbits of planetary and cometary bodies. [ PDF version here ]

  • Bringing Astronomy Down to Earth. Essay associated with the UC Berkeley teaching effectiveness award. UC Berkeley, 2009. [ external link ]